The History of Upright Vacuum Cleaner

How Good are Hoover WindTunnel T-Series Vacuums

The Hoover WindTunnel T-Series has been making their
Fair share of positive reviews, but many people are still
Wondering if this is the vacuum they should get for their
home. The Hoover name is well-known in the vacuum
Industry, and this is one of those conventional vacuums that has
Felt the heat from companies like Dyson, upstarts like
The Shark Navigator Lift-Away, and expensive models like the
Kirby sold door to door. So what kind of expertise can you
Expect with this vacuum, and will it hold up over years of
regular use?
You would not think it, but the vacuum cleaner industry is
mercilessly competitive. There are always new improvements
Has made some real duds through the years, but appears to have
Its act together nowadays. The only question you should be
Asking is if this is the best product to be spending your
Money on, or is there another vacuum out there that's a
Better value for the buck. For Instance, if you buy a $100
Dollar vacuum that you have to replace every year because
The motor burns out, would not it be better to spend $200-$300
On a vacuum that will last you five decades or more?
The Claim

Consistent suction without being too heavy, and without the
Need to get and replace the bags as they fill up. They say that
With their included extension pole you'll be able to easily get
Into places you could not before, and that it will make cleaning
Your house than it would be with other vacuums.
The Hype
There isn't a lot of hype for these vacuums, the way there's
They're basically you're classic
Upright vacuum, without too many bells and whistles on them.
The Cost
The Expense of a Hoover T-Series will depend on which model
You proceed, but it is going to right around $100 or a little more if you
You can
Also expect to pay a bit more for the bagless version,
Making up for it by not having to buy luggage.
The Commitment
These vacuums are not going to do the job for you the way
A Roomba will, so be prepared to do your own
vacuuming. They worry that these are light and mobile so
You should have less of a struggle lugging it around the
Various rooms, and even up stairs. Based on what sort
Of vacuum you now have, this may mean less time
spent fighting with your vacuum.
There are several different models in the Hoover WindTunnel
T-Series, and each one has its own unique function. For
Example, there is a model that's specifically for pet hair, and
Would appeal to homes that have one or more pets hairing up
the joint.
Most people
Prefer bagless, but some find that bagged models trap the dirt
and dust better.
One thing to consider when buying a vacuum cleaner is how well it
Really works for the dirt that's in your carpet. One tactic
Used by door to door salesmen is to pit your vacuum against
theirs. They do this by letting you vacuum with your present
Vacuum and then go over the exact same spot with theirs. They
Actually show you all of the dirt they were able to pick up,
From underneath your carpet.
Conventional vacuums just don't have sufficient suction. So be
Sure that you go with a model that provides enough power to
Get the job done right.
One thing we discovered is that there are a ton of reviews for
These vacuums, and the majority of them are positive. People
Really seem to enjoy the models that are in this line. Some of
The features that users have pointed out that they liked are the
Way it's easy to empty the canister, and also how light it's
Usually a light
Vacuum also means it's prone to crack, or made up of
Cheaper plastic, but in this case it seems to be able to take a
Final Hoover Windtunnel T-Series Review

From a brand name that has been in existence for decades. ItSeems to be a good purchase, but there are other brands which
Are sprouting up who are ready to give this a run for the
money. The only problem with going with a brand which has
Been in existence for so long is that sometimes they are slow to
Adapt to new technologies, and tend to rest on their laurels
Until a competition comes around and start stealing market
Share with a better product. That's why it's in your best
Interest to consider a vacuum from an upstart company that's

Our Recommendation

Important to consider your different options and make the right
choice. If you do not, you could end up needing to replace your

should have. Compare the Hoover WindTunnel T-Series to
the Shark Navigator Lift-Away as they have very similar
Features, and are approximately the same price point, with many


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